Online Parish Offertory allows you to make a secure online donation to our Parish Offertory at any time.
Click on the following link.
If you wish to make your offering to the parish by Standing Order then please complete a STANDING ORDER MANDATE. Copies of the form are available at the back of our Churches or by downloading the form below.
Please pass the completed form to Vincent McGuire, Canon Tim or hand in to the Parish Office.
You can also set up a STANDING ORDER with your own internet banking, mobile banking or telephone banking using the details set out in the STANDING ORDER MANDATE.
Many parishioners give their talents, time and money to the parish but what if there was another way to increase a financial contribution to the parish without actually handing over any extra cash...... Well there is and it is called Gift Aid.
If you pay an amount of Income Tax, for each Tax Year, Gift Aid increases the value of your donations by allowing the parish to reclaim 25p of tax for every £1 you give.
You will need to complete a Gift Aid Declaration (GAD) for our parish for any donation(s) you have or will be making. The parish can then reclaim the tax back on your donation(s).
If the donations are not recorded they cannot be reclaimed against.
The donation(s) can be given either using a numbered envelope, which the parish will provide or by completing a Standing Order Mandate.
The GAD will cover all donations made by you and recorded by the parish.
There is no extra cost to you. The tax is an extra bonus for the parish on your contributions.
By completing a GAD you are increasing your donation automatically.
The GIFT AID DECLARATION is available at both churches or from the link below. Please pass the completed form to Vincent McGuire, Canon Tim or hand in to the Parish Office.
If you would like to discuss the scheme further, then please email or pass your name and contact details to our Parish Priest and our Gift Aid Organiser (Vincent McGuire) will get in touch with you.
Copyright © 2018 The Parish of St Joseph - All Rights Reserved. The Parish of St Joseph, Pontefract is a parish within the Diocese of Leeds. Registered Charity Nr 249404